6 Lessons I Learned From Dressing Up

Over the years I’ve learned many incredible lessons from dressing up.

Halloween, the season of dressing up, made it seem appropriate to share these lessons with you now!

My children are older and past the age of dressing up and trick-or-treating. I don’t know yet if I miss it! I kinda think that I don’t!

However, they aren’t past the age of throwing a party.

I will be hosting the High School Crowd on Friday and the Jr high goblins on Saturday. Lots of pizza, treats, games, messes, laughing, and scary movies will be happening!

Does anyone want to come over and help!?

Lesson #1: Don’t Let Excuses Hold You Back

We had just moved from West Virginia to Utah.  

This picture was taken on my girls’ second day of school.  The first day was the Friday before, and they went to school with wet hair because our power went out.

It’s their second day of school in this new state, and it’s spirit week. 

  • They didn’t let the excuse of being new hold them back. 
  • They didn’t let the excuse of “people won’t know what we look like” hold them back. 
  • They didn’t let the excuse of “what if no one else dresses up” stop them.
  • They didn’t let the excuse that we didn’t have lots of time to prepare hold them back or the fact that the Costume box was buried underneath a slew of other boxes in the far corner of the storage unit convince them not to participate. 

There will always be an “excuse” that we can hold on to keep us from doing what we desire to do. 

What excuses are you holding on to that’s keeping you from going after your desires? 

Lesson #2: It’s never too late to get started!  

Record snowfall and very low temps the day before Halloween canceled trick-or-treating this specific year.  It wasn’t until November 4th that our state finally gave the OK to allow children to head out and collect all the candy. 

We could have decided to bail because Halloween wasn’t held on the day that we expected…BUT we would have missed so much!  

How many times have you said, it’s too late to __?

  • Start a business
  • Head back to school
  • Parent in a different way
  • Try something new in your business
  • Switch over your email provider
  • Change your niche
  • Start hugging your teen more
  • Create a business schedule that works

It’s never too late to get started!   

If it’s a desire in your motherhood, in your business, or your personal goals, don’t let the expectations that it “should” happen by a specific time or that it’s “too late”,  keep you from going after what you want.   

Lesson #3: Be your own judge, there isn’t a right or wrong way!

Who really knows what qualifies as an “ugly sweater” anyway?

We appoint a judge for each ugly sweater party, and we allow them to crown the winner. 

There are no other rules than their opinion.  

Guess what?

That’s the same principle that I encourage you to apply to your motherhood and business as well!

You get to be the judge of what’s working and what’s “ugly” for YOU in both YOUR motherhood and business. 

Appoint yourself to be your own judge!

You’re the only one qualified to decide if what you’re doing is working and getting you the desired results you want in all your life roles. 

No one has the same results for their business and motherhood, so it WILL LOOK DIFFERENTLY for everyone!  

If you’re the judge, on a scale of 1-10, how “ugly” is your business and or motherhood currently? 

Lesson #4: Because you “want to” is a good enough reason!

When my kids were little, they didn’t need a reason to dress up or to create something incredible.  They got out the consume box whenever they wanted. They didn’t wait for a “reason” such as Halloween or Spirit Week. 

On this snow day, they created an adorable play of an old couple that was reminiscing about their wedding day. 

The grandpa asked the grandma, “Why did you marry me?’ Replied, “Because I wanted to”

Because you want to is a good enough reason to go after something you desire. 

Finding the why, it’s all the rage and the thing business coaches hone in on a lot! I agree, the WHY is essential!

However, I also think because you want to is a significant enough reason as long as it motivates you to get the result you desire! 

Lesson #5: Don’t be afraid to speak up!

If it’s a desire or a passion, don’t be afraid to speak up and share it with others.  

That desire was put inside of you for your reason. 

Bonus lesson… keep it simple. 

This costume, Tape Face, was a massive hit with my students. The best part, it took about 10 minutes to create, and I didn’t have to buy a single thing.

We often complicate our motherhood and business, making it more challenging than it has to be. 

The next time you’re trying to solve a problem, ask yourself, “how can I make it simple?”

Lesson #6: Be authentic!

When most 9-year-olds were dreaming of dressing up as princesses, the latest fashion doll, or a bride, my cute 9-year-old wanted to be a police officer. 

She didn’t care what others were doing or what was “typical” of girls her age.  

She did what made her happy!

My Queen of Hearts was cast in the local play during this time.  

She was cast so perfectly!!  

As she as on that stage, being the VERY BEST sarcastic and demanding Queen of Hearts I had ever seen, I whispered to my husband,
“they nailed this casting role; it’s like she’s not even acting!” 

She was confident enough in herself to give this role all her sass!! And she had a lot!  

Be you, even if it’s not “typical” business practice or what “all the other moms” are doing. 

Be confident in your role as the CEO of both your motherhood and business.  

We are much happier when we are true to us and our desires, not everyone else’s.  

I Made It All About me

Have you ever been leaving a friend’s birthday party, and your 4-year-old rushes up to the hostess to ask if they can bring home an extra piece of cake or goodie bag to give to her sister?

I have, more than once, and I was always so embarrassed! 

I have a 16-year-old daughter who is very outgoing, not afraid of authority, will tell a teacher when they have made a mistake, and always asks for and gets what she wants. She’s always been this way. She was that 4-year-old at the party. 

No matter where we went, she came home with something that she wanted that she had asked for. She wasn’t scared to ask an adult where the bathroom was in a store. She wasn’t nervous to ask the waiter for more chips, their cool pen, or a free dessert. 

I was so embarrassed that she asked everyone for what she wanted. 
  • I thought it wasn’t polite.
  • I thought people were judging me for allowing her to ask. 
  • I was hot with shame, thinking, “Good moms don’t let their kids do this.”

As a brand new 14-year-old, this daughter wanted a job. I told her that the stores didn’t hire till 16, but she didn’t let that stop her. No matter where we went, she asked if they would hire her. She filled out every online application she could find and spent hours calling stores to find out the age you had to be to work there. She even tried to talk them into making an exception. And she got a job at 14 then another one at 15!

I’m still somewhat embarrassed but for an entirely different reason. 

That I didn’t recognize what a fantastic quality this is to have!

I’m in awe that I have a confident daughter who isn’t afraid to ask for what she wants. She didn’t give up!  

She made the impossible possible!  

I’m often reminded, that we can learn so much from our children if we put our fears of what other people think of us, and our ego aside. 

Is there something that you want, but you’re too afraid to ask?  

Are you working on being a great mom while growing a business? 

How does your children’s daycare or school situation change your schedule next year? 

While building my coaching practice, I was an online school teacher for the home school population of my district. I earned a Master’s Degree in Education while pregnant with this amazing, said daughter, and taught special education for many years. I understand ADHD and many other learning and behavior challenges! 

My passion is to help mompreneurs build a thriving business that makes great money while being amazing mothers. I teach women how to implement simple steps to achieve their desires without sacrificing what matters most.

Are you asking for the help you desire to achieve your dreams?  

I’m offering a small group coaching package for moms, growing a business, and possibly while their children are home learning next year. 

Here are the details of this group coaching experience.
  • 12-week program
  • 10 small group sessions
  • 2 private 1-on-1 sessions
  • Group Marco Polo or Text to connect, ask questions, gain support, brainstorm, and share ideas with the group. 
  • I will teach you the simple tools and strategies that I use with all my clients to help them create the time and schedules that support their business and motherhood goals. No boot camp style, no “just push through”, wake up before the sun kind of tools!  
  • I will work with you to create the online learning schedule and environment that will set you and your children up for the most success, for learning, and your relationship while we create personalized business strategies to help you grow your business.
  • Group Sessions will start the 2nd week of August. All sessions will be recorded and sent out to group members unable to attend. 
  • Group sessions will be on Fridays, between the hours of 10-1 MST. I’ll let the majority decide the time before we have our first session. 
  • Groups are more fun with friends! $100 Discount (for both of you) if you refer a friend, and she signs up. 
If you’re ready to…
  • grow your business in a way that works for you
  • facilitate your children’s education with fewer struggles and more purpose
  • show up as the mom you want to be while making money in your business, then click here to send me an email that says, I want to learn more.  

We will discover simple ways to maximize time and schedules with intention so that you can be an amazing mom who makes great money. 

This will be a small group experience, so space is very limited.  

If you’re interested, curious, or already all in, click here to send me an email. 

I am looking forward to seeing you in my inbox.

We Got Robbed While Sleeping

I am terrified of the dark.  

As a young child to HS senior, checking my closet, under my bed, and sleeping with a hall light was part of my nightly routine. I got so much braver about the dark during my college days; it was awesome!    

A little over a year into being married, we were robbed in the middle of the night. I woke up to loud yelling, a slick black-gloved hand holding a gun, and the other hand shining a flashlight. It was exactly like the movies, but worse.  

I was paralyzed!

We had no phone in the room, and my subtle nudges and delicate whispering didn’t wake my husband.  After that event, the fear of the dark came back even more potent. I was afraid of going to sleep in my own home. 

Fast forward a few years to when my husband was in PA school. I had an 18-month-old and a 3-week-old, both getting up in the middle of the night to eat.  My husband’s OBGYN rotation was reassigned at the last minute. He would be 5 hours away in a small town for eight weeks. Meaning, that I would be home alone, at night, in the dark, with two babies waking me up, forcing me to walk through a dark empty house, make bottles, and stay up feeding them while my mind tells me a horrendous story about every sound I hear.  

I was honestly afraid that before my husband came back after the eight weeks, I would be admitted into a psych ward. I mean, one can only go so many nights without sleep while caring for two babies that need your attention before you snap. I was scared and full of panic and tears, and I had five days to figure it out.

I didn’t think getting over my fear overnight (no pun intended) was possible, so I had to ask myself, what else could I do?   

I used my fear to take massive action. 

I went to the doctor on Monday morning, told her the situation, and was prescribed some heavy sleeping pills. Um yeah, that’s not going to work. I have two babies that are waking up a few times a night and no other adult in the house. A sleeping pill wasn’t the answer. 

On Tuesday, I started calling every single OBGYN in the local area.  

You guys… I made cold calls!! I told them I was representing St. Francis University (my husband’s school) and that I was looking to place a male PA student for an 8-week clinical rotation. I talked to so many clinics and left so many messages.  

On Thursday morning, I made the golden call. I found a Medical provider willing to take my husband on as a PA student. This good news for me was good news for the university because placing male students with male providers was challenging, and I secured a spot. 

When my husband’s school found out what I did, they were in disbelief, a bit shocked, and very excited. They said three things to my husband. 

Your wife is brave (little did they know why I was calling)

Please don’t mess this rotation up; we need a male medical provider in OBGYN

Don’t tell any other students what your wife did and tell her not to do it again. 

My fear was so real, but I didn’t let it stop me from taking control of my life. This fear drove me to make cold calls as a university repressive to create a different outcome.

Fear can either hold you back or propel you forward.

I can’t say that I’ve faced all my fears this way, head-on, and completely brave, but I have learned from this experience. 

We have all the power to create the life we want to live.  

Yes, I could have decided to get over the fear, stop being scared of the dark, and “man up,” so to speak.  But you know what? I DID “man up,” it just looked different than maybe the “typical” path one would assume or suggest I take to solve this problem.  

How we approach our life, and how we tackle our fears will look different for everyone. There’s no right or wrong way to face fear.

The best way to handle fear is to ask yourself questions:   
  • How can I not let this fear keep me stuck?  
  • How can I creatively move forward even with this fear around?
  • Is there another way to create the life I desire even if I am scared of __ (fill in the blank) 
  •  Is it possible to move past it, work through it, and declare it something that’s not going to stop me?
  • How can I get rid of this fear while working towards my goal? 

I know you’re dying to know, so here’s the rest of the story. 

  • I am not currently scared of the dark, but not at all. I know it’s very situational for me, If a neighbor was robbed or a child was heaven forbid taken from our neighborhood, the fear would again become very real.
  • Yes, we were robbed in the middle of the night. A neighbor had reported a car with suspicious activity at about 1 am. When the same neighbor got up about 5 am to head to work, they saw the same suspicious vehicle and called the Police. While they were talking with the Police, the group of men robbing my home left with our car, full of the things they had taken from our house. Our neighbor attempted to run in the pouring rain to catch the men!  
  • The gun, the flashlight, that was the Police. The robbers had left all the doors in our home completely wide open. I initially woke to yelling, but didn’t know what it was at the time. It was the Mesa Police yelling and knocking at the front door to announce themselves. They didn’t think it was possible to sleep through something like that, so they assumed no one was home. The gun and flashlight appeared in my room three different times. The first time they were checking the home and saw us. The second time was them making sure that they really saw people and that we weren’t dead. The third time they yell, “this is the Mesa Police. You’ve been robbed. Get up and meet me us in the kitchen.” 
  • My husband knocked the socks off of that provider, and several other students were able to have the option for a local rotation. Also, my husband was the valedictorian of his PA school. Not relevant, but I’m still pretty dang proud of him, even if he had left the garage door open that night, giving the robbers full, easy access to our home.  

Write down your fears.

Write down what’s holding you back, then ask yourself the questions above.   

Fear can be part of our lives, but it doesn’t have to stop us from creating the life we want. 

Experience Is The Best Knowledge

What are your summer plans? 

This summer, my family and I were going to go on a cruise for the first time. 

I could have just booked the first one that popped up after my google search and hoped for the best.  

Instead, I asked people that had experience with cruises all about them. 

I asked what they thought made a great cruise, what they liked, and what made it less than great.  

I ask how they planned it, what agency they used, and who was easy to work with. 

I found out their opinions for stateside and foreign cruises. 

I inquired about boarding differences between the west coast and the south.  

I talked with people that have experiences with cruises, what worked, what didn’t, what they would do differently, their best advice, what to do and not todo, and the “how-to” for the most successful overall cruise experience.

This is no different from hiring a coach.  

Hiring a coach that has experience where you currently are and has figured out how to get where you want to be already makes for the best knowledge.

A coach will get you there faster, with less stress, less failure, more clarity, and success!

A coach will guide and help you to have the best experience and create the life you want.  

If you’re trying to build a business while parenting children, I’ve been there.  

I built my successful life coaching business while parenting three young daughters and teaching school full-time. 

I know the challenges and struggles you are facing.  

I know the time constraints and the demands of motherhood you are feeling. 

I know the shame, guilt, exhaustion, disorganization, and overwhelm that keeps you up at night.  

If you want to go from feeling confused, like you don’t have enough time, and out of control, to thriving in both your motherhood and business, making money in a way that you love,  I know the best way to get you there. 

Click here to schedule a free exploration session.

I will show you how to create a balanced life you love without sacrificing your health, life goals, motherhood, sleep, or relationships. 

Will It Happen The Way We Expect?

My friend mentioned last night that she’s free all next week and maybe we should invite 2020 to show up the way we expected.

I told her that it won’t be like anything we expected, however, in time, I think it will be even better than we could have dreamed.

Speaking of expectations, there was a long stretch in my life when I wanted to get my PDH in Psychology. I never achieved it,and here’s what I was telling myself when I didn’t pursue it.

  • I would score too low and the GRE… I’m not smart enough.
  • I would never get accepted into a program anyway.
  • My husband is too busy climbing the cooperate ladder, he doesn’t have time to support me more education.
  • My kids are too little, they need me.
  • As they became older, I told myself, I needed to save that money for their college education, it would be irresponsible to spend it on another degree.
  • I also told myself, good moms stay home and raise their kids they aren’t off going to college and getting corporate jobs

Do any of these excuses come up for you when you’re talking yourself out of doing more?

Recently, I was a speaker at the Purpose Project Online Summit.

I talked about how to make the time and any season WORK for pursuing your dreams.

I take you through a self-discovery that will leave you with clarity about how you are currently using your time, how you are thinking about your time, and how you could be using it even more effectively to help you take small steps towards fulfilling your desire in the season of life that you’re currently in.

If you have a dream, but not currently fully pursuing it, this video had inspiration and ideas just for you.

If you have a dream, you are pursuing it, but you feel overwhelmed, confused, and unhappy a lot of the times, this video has action steps and clarity for you too.

I’ve created a little worksheet to walk you through the video and provide you with more clarity.

You can access and PDF worksheet here.

If you found this video helpful and want to take your self-discovery to another level, please feel free to schedule a free exploratory session with me. We simply have a conversation about what’s going well in your life and business, what’s not working, and how we can solve for the things you want better. It’s like talking to a really good friend that has valuable insight and knows about business building while being a mom.

Can You Hear Your Voice


What is it that you really want? 

It’s not meant to be a trick question, but it often feels that way, right? 

My clients come to me for a change, but they often don’t know what change they are seeking. 

They want to have a different experience in their motherhood, but they aren’t sure what that experience looks like. 

They want to make money in their business and become more confident, but they aren’t sure how.  

They want to feel differently about their life, but they don’t know how to make that happen.

They can’t hear their authentic voice or rely on their own helpful thoughts.

We spend so much time drowning out our own authentic voice because we are often too scared, too worried, or too consumed about what others think.  

Let’s see if you can hear your voice? 

If someone gifted you $5000 and a week of extra time and you could do whatever you wanted without any consequences, what would you do?  

Would you: 

start a business? 

hire a coach? 

have another child?

go back to school? 

start a diet, a mastermind, or write a book?

begin to train for a race?

sign up for a conference?  

That’s the voice that you should pay more attention to.  That’s the voice that’s taking you places. 

We spend more time listening to the voice that tells us we are crazy, that we would fail, that we aren’t smart enough, or that we don’t have enough time.

That voice keeps us playing small.  Keeps us on the same playing field we’ve always been without the satisfaction and real growth we desire. 

You may have a lot of self-defeating thoughts to work through before you can hear that voice, but it’s in there. 

I can help you hear it, belive, and stay focused on it .  

I would love to show you how to start listening to the voice that helps you grow, how to tune into the voice that allows you to follow your dreams.  

Let’s make that voice even louder, more apparent, and more real.

If you know you want to feel less overwhelmed, less stressed, less restricted in your motherhood, and your business, but not sure how, let’s chat.  

I can show you how you can grow your capacities in your motherhood and your business without sacrificing your health, relationships, motherhood, or sleep.  

Click here to schedule a free 50-minute exploratory session with me so we can discover your voice, learn how to trust it, and create a plan to make that voice your reality.  

Make Hard Things Easier

I think “they” (whoever they are) meant well when they said, “we can do hard things.”  

Maybe it’s encouraging when you’re in the middle of that “hard thing”, but what if that “hard thing” didn’t have to be so hard? 

Being a mom and business owner is hard, but I’m here to make it easier!  

Speaking of hard, my high school senior has had a few very tough weeks during this quarantine. ⁣

⁣The disappointment of missing her friends, graduation, and all the fun senior activities that she has been looking forward to have been adding up. ⁣

⁣She missed senior prom.⁣

⁣She missed senior sunset.⁣

⁣She missed the deadline (wifi problems) of her most significant English assignment of the semester.⁣

⁣She and her boyfriend of over a year broke up. ⁣

⁣She’s been upset, angry, confused, heartbroken and grieving for all kinds of reasons. ⁣

During the middle of all this, one night, she said to me, ⁣

⁣”I don’t want to do hard things and become stronger, I just want to be happy.”

⁣I get it, baby girl! ⁣ That’s what we all want! ⁣

⁣What if it’s possible to become stronger, do hard things, and still be happy? 

What if it’s possible to work on these hard things and make them easier? 

What if they didn’t have to be so hard? 

⁣I believe that we can have challenges, find ways to be happy, and find ways to make them easier at the same time.

⁣What is the hard you’re facing in life right now? 

Is it your motherhood, your relationship with your children, your lack of time to show up for them?

Do you worry about whether you’re being a good mom and doing it right? 

Do you stress about your business?

Do you want to spend more time working in it, but don’t know how to do that with everything else you have going on?

When you don’t accomplish your business goals or the opposite, work too hard in your business on a certain day, do you feel shame and guilt about your choices?

Do you want to lay your head down on the pillow each night knowing you did your best in both your business and motherhood each day? Do you want less regret?  

If you’re ready to create schedules, plans, and mental clarity, find time to grow your capacity in all your life roles, then schedule a free consult session with me so that I can show you how to make hard things easy!  

Want to make being a mom and business owner less hard?  

Good, because that’s my calling, to show you how to create a life you love, the good, the easy, the hard, and the less hard, without sacrificing your health, relationships, or sleep. I’ve got a system figured out, and I can’t want to show you!  

Click here to learn more about my one on one coaching package designed to help make hard things easy.

We’re all in this together!  

I was watching a show this past week on Netflix.  

The mom of the family sat down her children for an important announcement.  She told her boys, 

“I’m not just your mother; I am a member of this family. 
In this family, we don’t let each other settle for anything less than what we deserve. If I am going to ask that of you, I have to ask that of myself too.”

She then went on to explain to her kids that she had picked up an application to apply for college. She was going to get that degree that she had always wanted. 

As the mother of your family, are you holding your children to high expectations, dreaming big for them, sacrificing time and money to provide them with opportunities, rooting for their success, only to stop short when it comes to you? 

You are a member of your family.
You deserve the same opportunities to reach your goals as anyone!  

I built my life coaching practice while teaching school full-time, parenting my three children, and supporting my husband in his demanding career.   

I learned how to root for me.  

My children nor my husband took a back seat in their dreams, and neither did I. 

Who’s keeping you from reaching your goals? 

I’m rooting for you.  

I help show women how it’s possible to be the mother they want to be and go after their dreams.
I help them reach their goals without sacrificing their health, sleep, relationships, or motherhood. 

Let me show you how it’s possible for you. 

Click here to sign up for my free 55-minute consult session. 

Together we can discover why you’re not holding yourself and your dreams to the same high expectations you desire for your family. 

You Can Do This

My teen daughter had a rough day last week. 

That’s putting it lightly!

She yelled at her sister for 10 minutes while I was in another room coaching a client.  

She didn’t just yell loud enough for the neighbors to hear, 

she screamed a curse word for the first time, EVER.  

She didn’t just say one; she said three! 

She slammed the front door so hard; it shook the house.  

She went for a walk and ended up 10 miles away from home. 

She called for me to come get her.

I had five things left to do before dinner, but I dropped them and when to get her. 

I was not happy about this interruption, the yelling, nor the door slamming.  

I had plenty of things I wanted to say to her once I picked her up.  

I was scared that my usually happy, high-achieving teen, who keeps life together was spiraling down into a deep hole. ⁣⁣

I was annoyed that she was letting her anger out so uncontrolled. 

As I went to pick her up, her phone died, and I couldn’t find her. 

Once I got to where she said to pick her up, I spent 10 minutes looking for her.  

I was a bit scared but more annoyed at this point. 

When she got in the car, I yelled, “This is not OK.”  

I saw her clench her fist and then her teeth.

Her breathing became shallow and rushed. 

She was on the verge of an anxiety attack.

A soft voice whispered to me, “You can do this.”

I then whispered it to her as I prompted her to try to take a deep breath. 

So whoever needs to hear it today, 
You CAN DO this! 
It feels difficult as we are faced with unmet expectations, cancellations, interruptions, disappointments, sick babies, homeschool, business growing, and angry teens!⁣⁣
If you’re a teen with lots of emotions, or the parent not knowing what to do with your teen’s emotions, or if you feel like my teen, but you 𝐀𝐑𝐄 the parent, trying to grow your business, we can do this together. ⁣⁣
⁣⁣We CAN DO this! 

Stop Giving your time away

There have been many times when I was “giving away my time” (although I wasn’t calling it that then), that I was moody and resentful.

I would be doing something I thought I “should” be doing, yet showing up completely opposite of how I wanted, especially to the people that mattered most to me.

Back in 2008, while prepping dinner for a family in need, I was yelling at my then, very young children to get out of the kitchen and to stop getting in my way. I rushed them out of the kitchen and sat them in front of the TV so I could finish preparing a meal for this family.

Once the meal was ready to be delivered, I impatiently instructed my daughters to hurry up and get in the car.

I snapped at my 6-year-old for carrying the dessert haphazardly, frustrated that the perfect design I placed the cookies in was now ruined.

I reprimanded my 4-year-old for twisting the bread bag so tightly that it squished the rolls.

The entire car ride I shouted at my 3-year-old, “don’t you go to sleep,” because it was 5 pm, and the home we were taking the meal too was 15 minutes away. She didn’t have her nap, and I wasn’t going to let her fall asleep in the car and be up all night.

It wasn’t until much later that night, when these beautiful babies were finally asleep, that I realized I was turning into a monster, and that’s not how I wanted to show up for my kids, or myself. I wasn’t setting the example of service that I wanted to set for them.

I was giving away my time and resenting and yelling at everyone for it, but the person responsible, me!

It was that night that I decided that when I gave of my time, I would WHEN I could do it happily, without guilt, and without sacrificing relationships.

It was so painful when service opportunities were announced in church/community, asking for my time, and I just sat there. I was judging myself for not giving of my time, and I was assuming everyone else was judging me too.

But they weren’t! I bet no one even noticed if I signed up or not.

I have learned, for me, service is meaningful when I can do it with a willing heart and with a peaceful attitude because it’s what I want to be doing with my time, not what I “should be” doing. I get to say yes to service when I want to say yes, and I get to say NO when I don’t think it will help me keep the balance and character that I strive for in my life.

We get to choose how we spend our time and how we feel when we spend that time. When we spend our days working on our priorities, not our “shoulds”… not operating out of fear, or comparison, but out of love and respect for yourself and those around us, we get to show up the way we want to show up spending our time in the best way for us.

To protect what you value most, stop giving away your time.

If you’re not protecting your time, who is?