Indecision robs you of living in the now!

Is there something you want to be doing but can’t decide how to do it?

What degree, goal, class, or business do you want to pursue, but haven’t decided how to make it a reality?

Choosing not to decide wastes time and mental energy.

What’s stopping you from making the decision?

Is it fear?

Is it that it will be too hard, too difficult?

Is it that you’re already so busy?

Is it that your kids are too little?

That it will cost too much money or take too much time?

Is it because you can’t be a good mom and… (you fill in the blank)

Is it because you might fail?

If you want to increase your confidence and need help deciding to go all-in on your goals, dreams, or business, then sign up for a complimentary session with me. Not only can I help you make a decision, I can help you plan the time and create the schedules to make it happen.

I can help you decide once and for all!

Stop wasting time in indecision.

Indecision robs you of living in the now!

What do I want to be doing with my life?

Are you busying creating the life you want or the life you think you “should” be living?  

When was the last time you stopped and asked yourself, what do I want to be doing with my life? 

I recently had a client that was trying to make a big decision in her business.  

She felt like she “should” be creating an on-line course to grow her business. 

She felt “obligated”  to her clients, to her family, and her business partner, but not really interested in taking the time creating the course. 

I asked her,

If you could do anything you wanted and you had no obligation to anyone else, what would you do? 

It wasn’t the course.  

Instead, she answered that she would write a book.

I then asked her, “so why aren’t you writing a book?”  

Another client came seeking clarity on whether or not she should become a certified coach. 

Another asked me if she should have a baby right now. 

And another asked if she should quit her MLM business.  

We get to create our lives!  Yes, other people are part of our lives, but don’t allow those other people to be excuses and obstacles as to why you aren’t living the life you want to live. 

Ask yourself, what do you WANT to be doing? 

Before you answer, pretend that all the reasons that are keeping you from doing that thing don’t exist. 

Pretend that the bills will be paid no matter what.  
Your husband will be supportive. 
The kids will be cared for. 
The house will get cleaned.
Your husband’s job won’t be as demanding.
You can get extra money.
You have the time.  
You’re not too old. 

It’s important to pretend that this fairytale does exist, at least for a tiny moment.  

Once you’re in a place where all of your reasons are no longer valid, then answer the question, what do I want to be pursuing right now?

Is it something different than you are doing now?  

How different?  

Sometimes my clients are shocked how different their dreams are than their current life. 

Sometimes they are shocked that it’s very much the same, and they didn’t realize they ARE living the life they want.

Sometimes we blame our life circumstances for not going after the dream, but it’s not the dream we want, so we blame the life we currently have, and then we feel stuck and less fulfilled when the dream doesn’t happen.

AND It’s not EVEN the DREAM we WANT!  

Taking ALL the excuses, all the reasons that we think are holding us back and making it impossible out of the equation and then asking ourselves, “what we want to do” is valuable. 

There’s so much wisdom and power in that question.  

If you want help achieving the goals your dreaming of, but you feel like there are too many reasons holding you back, schedule a free session with me.  I help you see just what is possible for you in your life now.  

How is disorganization affecting you?

Which statement below sounds the most like you? 

I just feel so unorganized.  

I’m overwhelmed, and I’m too tired to figure it all out. 

If I could have one more hour in the day, I could get SO much done.   

There’s no way I can get everything done that needs to get done.

There’s never any time for me to work on my business or heck, just take a shower!  

How is being disorganized affecting you?

Are you losing money because you are continually replacing things you can’t find?  

Are you wasting time looking for things you misplaced?  

Are you wasting money on food that you buy but never cook? 

Are you wasting money on online courses that you have to have, but never make the time to complete?

Is your organization level affecting your relationships, your sleep, your happiness? 

Is your disorganization adding to your stress level and creating mental clutter? 

Is it keeping you from managing your time so that you can work to grow your business every day?  

Are you not as healthy as you want to be because you don’t have the time to exercise and cook nutritious food?  

Are you wasting time thinking about how you wish you had more time to clean, workout, play with your kids, grow a business?  BUT thinking about that stuff overwhelms you, so you waste more time watching TV or other people on social media?    

Is your brain too “fried,” “done,” “dead” at the end of the day to make the hours past 4 pm productive?  

Being disorganized is a waste of time and a waste of money.  

Time ticks by either way.  

Why not spend it intentionally on the things you want to be spending it on?  

Spending your time and money on a life coach is the
BEST investment you could make in your life. 

Below are a few reasons why! 

A life coach helps you figure out solutions to the problems that you keep dealing with day after day.  

A life coach helps you see things more clearly so that you can create the steps needed to reach your goals.  

A life coach helps you drop excuses and make progress.  

A life coaching unclutters your mind. 

Speaking of your mind, did you know your mind is your most valuable asset? 

Your mind is how you create value in this world.

Your mind is where your life is first created! 

Before anything can become a reality, it has to be created in your mind first, with your thoughts.  

If your thoughts aren’t supporting your dreams, if they aren’t organized, if your mind is cluttered, then you aren’t living the life you want to live.  

Want to have an incredible, accomplished, more peaceful life?  

Stop wasting your time, organize your mind.  

If you want to feel less overwhelmed and more organized,

I have the solution!  

I offer a 12 weeks coaching package to help you organize your mind, streamline your thoughts and schedule so that you can get more done each day.  This 12-week one-on-one coaching package helps you develop confidence and the schedule you need to reach your motherhood and business goals without sacrifice your health, sleep, or relationships. 

Click here to learn more about my Organized YoUniversity coaching program! 

I Changed My Mind

Just last week, I planned a party for the women in my church. 

I got all the volunteers on board, scheduled the church, spent a few hours on the web collecting great ideas for a leap year party, created the perfect menu with frog-themed dessert, and even arranged for excellent entertainment. 

It was going to be epic!  

I secured a comedy group to come entertain us while we laugh hysterically, eating a delicious dinner, sitting by our husbands, without any kids around!  

As I was going down the road in this party planning adventure, in the very middle of my excitement, I stopped to question why I was doing it, why I said yes to this party?

When I couldn’t come up with a great reason, when I stopped to reflect on what it would mean for my family, my business, my other service obligations, and my mental energy, I decided to say NO to planning the party. 

I canceled the party.

I told all the ladies that were on board to help that it wasn’t happening. 

I canceled the comedy group.

I threw away the paper that had all the ideas on it for this fantastic party.

I gave back the scheduled church building.

I told my daughter she was no longer needed to help pull off the frog-themed dessert. 

Guess what?  

I feel so much better about saying no, and none of the women that agreed to help were mad or disappointed with me. 

In fact, they were elated!  

My no brought them so much relief.

They had a mini dance party to celebrate!  

By saying yes, they were already feeling way too overbooked.

Although the party was over a month away, they were dreading the next month of planning.  

It wasn’t until I said no that they told me they were a NO too!

Why didn’t they just tell me no?  

Why don’t you say no when you REALLY want to say no?  

Are you afraid they will judge you and think that you’re really lame or lazy?

Are you trying to fit in, trying to appear that you’re willing to do it all?  

Do you feel too guilty if you say no?  

Are you nervous they will never ask you again? 

Are you scared they will talk about you and tell everyone that you weren’t willing?  

Do you care more about what THEY think about you then what YOU think about you?  

The reason why we DON’T say no, is to avoid feeling a certain way.  

What feeling are you trying to avoid when you say yes, but really want to say no?   

Here’s the crazy part.  

You say yes (even though you don’t want to do the thing) to avoid feeling ____________ you fill in the blank.  

But then you say yes, spend SO many hours wishing you hadn’t, and then you feel _____________, again, fill in the blank.

too busy

Here’s the thing, either way, the yes or the no is going to make you feel a certain way, and most likely, you don’t want to feel that way.  

If you have to feel a feeling that’s not going to be your favorite either way, then you might as well say no when you mean no, and decide to feel ok about it.  

My no last week honestly felt terrific!  

It wasn’t always this way for me.  

I had to learn to say no. 

I had to learn to stop caring about what other people thought about me or about my no.  

I had to learn to honor my priorities. 

I had to learn to commit to what I think is most important.   

I had to learn that not everything is a yes.  

Not everything is important.  

It’s not too late.  

Did you know you can change your mind and say no, even after you said yes?  

What’s something you said yes to recently that you wish you would have said no? Hit reply back and let me know.

Want help saying no when you mean no?  

It’s the BEST feeling to honor yourself, your time, your goals, and your desires. 

Click here to schedule a free session with me.  I’ll get you saying exactly what you mean to say, without all the shame and guilt you currently think a no will bring. 

Lessons Learned from a Beauty Pageant

Last week, my daughter participated in a 6-day scholarship pageant for our state, representing our region in a Distinguished Young Women Scholarship Pageant.

I dropped her off on Monday, and on Tuesday morning, the director called me to tell me that she was worried about my daughter. 

My daughter was feeling faint, had horrible stomach pain, and her vision was blacking out briefly when she stood up.  We were worried about her having another ruptured cyst.  

She was living with a host family for the week. We stayed in close contact, but due to the rules of the program, we were not able to see her and only allowed to talk to her for 10 minutes each night.

It wasn’t until Friday night that I was able to see and talk to her at length. 

It was after she nailed her performance that she told me how horrible she truly felt.

She wanted to give up.

She wanted to go home.

I told her those all were options for her.

She said she wanted to stay as she’s rolled into a ball on the pavement, fighting tremendous pain.

I asked her why she wanted to stay, even when it would be reasonable to give up at this point and not finish the final night of judging?

She then said,

“I don’t care if I win anything at this point. I don’t think I will win anything. However, I committed to be here this week and to compete. Seeing this through and staying committed will make me a winner in my book.”

She didn’t win the grand prize, but she did win!

She won because she learned;

She can do hard things.

She can stay committed even when it seems hopeless and when she doesn’t feel like it.

That growth and learning happen during difficult times.

But my favorite reason she won, she learned she doesn’t need a judge to tell her that she’s a winner!

She gets to decide whether she’s winning or not.

We get to decide if we are winning in our business, our goals, and our roles as a mom/wife.

We don’t need a judge to tell or validate our efforts. 

There’s no “expert” out there that can tell you if you’re doing it all right.  You get to decide that.

Are you staying committed to your business, your mommyhood, yourself, even when it’s painful, overwhelming, and feels fruitless?

Are you letting the “experts” (or even yourself) judge you, making you think you’re doing it all wrong?

If you want to stay more committed in your life roles, become more effective in your mommyhood and business, I get it.  I wanted that too. 

Click on the link here to schedule a 50-minute complimentary session with me so you can discover why you are not staying committed, why you are feeling overwhelmed and how you can solve it.

Be a winner in your own book!

I can show you how. 

Do you follow me on Instagram? 

If not, check it out. 


If FaceBook is more your thing, I’m there too.

 at Ceri Payne Coaching.

If you haven’t gotten my free PDF yet, all about how to SAVE 24 hours this month, check it out here. 

Time flies,

Let’s catch it. 

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Planning is Hassle Insurance

Yesterday, my client, a mom of 5 kids, an incredible wife, and someone that is working to grow a business said, “planning is such a hassle.” 

Heading to the school play, after only getting ½ your workout in, being 15 minutes late, with wet hair, no makeup, and mismatched shoes because you didn’t plan to work out earlier that morning, because you forgot about the play, that’s a hassle!

Not knowing what to fix for dinner, so you run home look in the fridge, then in the outside freezer, only to discover no viable ingredients, that’s a hassle!   So you run back out to get some take out, spend 25 minutes in the drive-through, only to come home and realize you got the wrong order, so you head back out to get what you really ordered, that’s a hassle! 

Scrambling to find someone to watch your kids, last minute, because you HAVE to go into work because your employee didn’t show, you know, the same one that asked for the day off, but you forgot to get someone to cover her shift, that’s a hassle.

Taking less than one hour each week to plan your schedule, your meals, your work-time, your down-time, your kid’s carpool schedules, I think that is NOT a hassle!

Planning is like buying hassle insurance! 

It’s your decision. Call it what you want, but I think planning is brilliant! 

What Parking Spot Are You Aiming For?

The Parking Space and the Teenage Driver 

I recently had the opportunity to help my 15-year-old learn how to park a car.

As she unsuccessfully tried over and over 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 to park between two lines, I finally decided to ask her,

“What parking spot are you aiming for?”

Her reply was, “Whichever one I end up in!”

If we are not aiming for a specific “parking spot” in life, how will we know the actions to take (when to swing the car out, when to turn the wheel, when to straighten the wheel, what speed to go) to allow us to end up in the “space” we want?

Are you willing to be in whichever spot you happen to land in, or do you want to take control and be in the spot you WANT to be? 
Goals give us focus, something to aim for, a destination.

Decide ahead of time which parking spot you’re aiming for so that you can create a game plan to navigate into that spot successfully.