Candid COaching With Lots of Love
Hi! I’m Ceri Payne, M.Ed, (pronounced like the iPhone, Siri). I’m the time management, schedule & business strategist for successful business owners that want more time to enjoy the life they are so busy creating.
I spent many years as a special education teacher before becoming a certified life and business coach. I was teaching full-time when I started my coaching business. While working, growing my business, parenting my three daughters, and serving as the president of my church’s women’s organization, I achieve my first business goal of becoming a six-figure earner.
As a mom of three girls, married to an incredible man that is very busy climbing his career ladder, moving us 18 times in 16 years, I know what it feels like to want more, desire to make a bigger impact, but not feel like there’s enough time and resources to make it happen!
I’m here to help you discover that it’s possible for you too!
I have developed a 5-D process to help you discover your priorities and streamline your schedules, intentions, mindset, and confidence to maximize your time, life, motherhood, and business success.
If you want to feel less overwhelmed and like you have enough time, stick around.
If you need more time to work on growing your business, I’m the best at finding that time for you and creating a growth plan that will give you results.
Whatever business and motherhood goals you are not achieving because you don’t have enough time or mental energy, I can show you how to achieve it without sacrificing your sleep, health, relationships, or self.
Helping you create more time is what I make time for.
When I’m not saving you time and helping you grow your business, you can find me working out, playing games with my family, cooking, hiking, on the co-ed softball field, or in my bed. I love being in my bed! I eat in there, play games with the family, watch TV, journal, pray, and create the majority of my social media posts and podcasts script… all from that comfy place.
From that comfy place, I also created my coaching program to help women in business live their dream life by creating a thriving business while having enough time to enjoy all the other parts of life. It’s truly an honor to help other moms, moms just like you, let go of the fear that’s holding them back from being the influence they were meant to be in this world.
If you think lack of time, scheduling, too many priorities, or business ideas/plans are your biggest obstacle, we can solve that! I help you simplify your life and create more time, strategy, intentional actions, and growth in your business, life, and motherhood so you can have enough time to enjoy the parts of life you don’t want to be missing!
Let's get your time and business on track so that you can make great money while being an amazing mom that has time to enjoy all the parts of your life!
Create the Business and motherhood you desire without sacrificing your health, sleep, or Relationships.
I help women stop feeling overwhelmed, busy, exhausted, and unorganized. I help them create the life, motherhood, and business they desire.
If you desire more time, and organization, less on your to-do list, more money, strategy, business growth, and intentional results in your business, and want to feel like you’re doing it while being a great mother, you’re in the right place.
Click on the button below for a consultation to learn more about my
5-D one-on-one coaching package.
In this session, we will discover where your time is going, how to create more of it, and how to use it with the intention to grow your business and motherhood.

Maximize youR time - Plan your PrioritieS
All too often, entrepreneurs give up before they really have the chance to make their dreams their reality because they don’t think they have enough time to get it all done.
If you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed and confused, not sure how to fit in all that you want to do, then you’re in the right place.
As someone who has learned to maximize my time, use it with full purpose and intention, to get everything done each day, my passion is to show others hows it’s possible for them to have these same results in their life as well!
Teaching you to master your priorities and time, become confident in your decisions making process, simplify and strategically grow your business with power and purpose, build belief in yourself, strengthen family relationships, and make more money in your business are a few of the results you can expect when you coach with me!
How it works to work with me
I work with clients all over the world using Zoom, a video conference service.
These virtual appointments are such a time-saver. There’s no time wasted traveling to a specific office location, need to get a babysitter, or block out an entire afternoon. Heck, you don’t even have to put on real clothes if you don’t want to.
If you're ready to create the time and schedule you need to start enjoying Life and business,
click Below to schedule your Complimentary session with me.
Stop making excuses about time. Act now or keep wasting time!
I promise the 50 minutes you spend in your complimentary consultation will save you hours.