Finding Your Strength

It was super embarrassing, felt very unkind, and bothered me when my mom told her friends these two things! ⁠

“Annie would make friends with a lamppost, and Ceri would question it.”⁠

“Ceri won’t ever just get in the car. She has to ask, where are we going, why are we going, when will we be back?”⁠

EVEN THOUGH I didn’t get how the adults around me didn’t realize my questions were me trying to understand, I still thought I was doing something wrong. I thought this must make me obnoxious, annoying, challenging, and a HUGE problem child! ⁠

However, my desire to question things, learn and understand the purpose behind actions and intentions has gotten me where I am today. ⁠

Questions help uncover my desires, knowledge, actual wants, refine my processes, beliefs, and understanding.

My questions help me make quick, decisive decisions full of clarity and excitement. ⁠

I still ask a lot of GOOD questions… But now it’s my career, and my clients benefit from my quick, always thinking, constantly planning, very curious mind. ⁠

My questions can help you get clarity, save time and money while developing the action plan to get the results you desire in your home and business! ⁠

Do you have a “perceived” weakness that has become a significant strength? ⁠

I’ve Got Some Secrets For You

Growing your business should be FUN and EASY!  Check out these simple ways I grew my business to 100k!

1. Keep It Simple

Decide what you like doing in your business and what’s getting you the results you desire and do more of those things.

You don’t need to have all the offers. Decide what people want that you’re good at, and make that offer (solution to their problem) your simple business plan

2. Keep It Fun

If you’re not having FUN in your business you’ll get burnt out before you reach your goal!

Business building, just like anything else is 50/50. Create a business model that you will enjoy long-term. If you don’t like doing it, ask yourself how else you could reach the result in a way you would enjoy?

Let your heart lead.

3. Keep It Intentional

Know what results you desire and what results you are getting from your actions.

Notice what you’re doing that is not getting you results and STOP wasting time doing those things. Be aware of your limiting beliefs.

Think thoughts of possibility. Believe in your abilities. Grow your confidence. Use motivating ‘I am’ statements.

4. Keep Your Goals In Mind

Set goals and evaluate your progress towards your goals at least monthly. Know why you’re doing what you’re doing. Define 3-4 simple action steps that you will do daily/weekly to help you reach your goal. Calendar/schedule those action steps.

Network, find a mentor, or hire a coach. Have someone in your corner for when you get stuck. Believe that you will be successful!

What Strings Are Attached

When my kids were young, and I exclusively stayed home with them, they opened presents and ate pink pancakes for breakfast on Valentine’s Day, enjoyed a fancy dinner that evening, and the secret Valentine man always delivered dessert.  

On St. Patrick’s day, they woke up to gold candy all over the kitchen, they were treated to Lucky Charms, and for dinner, had green chicken alfredo with homemade Irish soda bread.  

None of that was required to be a good mom.  

They were strings that I attached to being a mom.  

One holiday season, when I was teaching school full-time and working in my coaching business, the pancakes, presents, gold candy, fancy dinners, all stopped.  

Not intentionally, so at first, I felt horrible for not living up to the “mom that I created”.  

But you know what?  

Not a single girl said a word about the missing pancakes, fancy dinner, or green food.  

I thought those actions and hard work made a BIG impact on their experience, but I realized I was wrong when they didn’t miss them.  

I took inventory and cut some of those strings using up time, money, and mental energy, and not giving me the results or desired benefits.

I cut strings that didn’t align with the MOM AND BUSINESS OWNER that I wanted to be.

I cut the ones that started with 

“I should” “I need” “but good moms”…

I don’t regret the days of “FUN” celebrations!  And at the time, when my kids were little, I loved doing those things for them (or so I thought).  

But since cutting the strings, I intentionally added back in those that I wanted for each holiday.

I love my motherhood so much more, and we all enjoy the holidays even more because each thing we do is intentional and serves the desired purpose.

The Overscheduled Mom

Let me tell you about someone that you may have met before!  

Once upon a time, there was a mom that got caught in the trap of over-scheduling. ⁠

She thought she was too busy, and that she didn’t have enough time for everything, so she tried to make up for her lack of time by scheduling in ALL THE THINGS. ⁠

When she looked at her schedule, the one with ALL THE THINGS on it, she would often feel defeated, feel behind even before she started, and as a result, she didn’t love her schedule, and she didn’t do ALL THE THINGS. ⁠

Because she didn’t get ALL THE THINGS completed, she beat herself up, thinking she is lazy, incapable, too busy, and exhausted.  ⁠

She decided to move the things she didn’t do to the next day, a day that was already over-scheduled. ⁠

When that next day went the same way the other previous 29 days had gone, she gave up and stopped scheduling her day, because after all, ⁠

“what’s the point, it never gets done anyway?”    ⁠

Does this mom sound like you? ⁠

How can she stop this vicious cycle?  ⁠

By understanding her priorities and SCHEDULING IN WHITE SPACE!  ⁠

I preach you don’t have to have every single hour of every day scheduled with to-do’s.   ⁠

I teach the unplanned hour and plan B. ⁠

They are GAME CHANGERS!!  

If you want to get more done, while actually doing less and feeling accomplished, you have to know your priorities!  ⁠