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Four Ways to Make the Transition Back to School Smoother

Three ways transition

As the summer sun starts to wind down and the back-to-school season approaches, let’s take a moment to acknowledge that even transitions we eagerly anticipate can be challenging.

Here are three ways to make the upcoming transition back to school smoother for both you and your kids.⁠⁠

1. Talk about the Transition:

Talk with your children about their feelings regarding the upcoming school year. Whether it’s excitement, nervousness, frightened, or something in between, acknowledging their feelings and emotions fosters a sense of security and trust for them.

This might be a great time to share your story of 9th grade when you felt just like they are feeling and what you did that helped. For kids (and us moms), knowing you’re not the “only one feeling this way” is very helpful.

Speaking of not being the only one, TBH, most of my clients are super excited for their kids to return to school and get their routines back!

Whether you are excited or wish summer was a little longer means nothing about the type of mom you are, so stop judging how you feel about this transition and make it a good one.

2. Adjustments and Expectations:

A sudden shift from flexible summer days to structured school routines can overwhelm everyone. Start gradually by adjusting expectations and bedtime and wake-up times (for you, too)

I hear this a lot.

“Once the kids return to school, I will FINALLY have 7 hours of uninterrupted time to work on my business.”

But that’s only true, sometimes.

Just because your kids are away from home for 7 hours, interruptions still occur. Create a flexible schedule (and honor it) and start by scheduling 5 hours of work to be completed in the 7 hours you think you have. As you get their school schedule down (and yours), you will be able to do more in the same amount of time, so adjust your expectations slowly.

3. Define the Action Steps:

I encourage my clients to double-check their priorities every six months or after a significant life event. Kids going back to school and you having more time for your business is certainly a big transition.

Most often, our priorities stay the same, BUT the action steps change.

For example, one of your priorities might be the growth of your business. In the summer, your action steps to keep your business growing might be different now that you have a few more hours each day.

In the summer, your priority of health might have been

  • work out for 20-30 minutes 5 times a week
  • fruit or veggie at every meal
  • get 7 hours of sleep each night

With this transition, your priority of health might be the same, but now that your schedule has changed, what actions do you want to take to support your health goal?

  • work out 45 minutes 5 times a week
  • meal prep lunch and plan dinners
  • be in bed by 10:30

Now schedule in those actions steps!

The priorities are important, but defined action steps achieve the results!

4. Celebrate the Little Things:

As the first week occurs, celebrate anything from remembering their lunch, finishing their homework, or not falling asleep in class! Celebrate that you filled out the dreaded forms, finished a few extra SM posts, or signed a new client.

During transitions, it’s crucial to celebrate the win.

Celebrating wins fuels positivity, creates motivation, and helps shift the focus to the joys of the new experience.

Let’s make this back-to-school transition a period of understanding, growth, clarity, and getting results (in your home and your business).

Here’s to a wonderful transition ahead!