Feel This Busy Time of Year

Ready to create the feelings of Christmas this year?  Even during this crazy, busy time of year, it’s really a lot easier than you might think. 

Ponder the question below. ⁠

What three feelings do you want to make a priority this season? ⁠

Notice, I didn’t say what three THINGS you are going to do to feel the Spirit of the season, rather…⁠

What three feelings do you want to make a priority this Christmas season? ⁠
  • Do you want to feel generous?⁠
  • Do you want to feel joy? ⁠
  • Perhaps peaceful, slower, or present.⁠
  • Do you want to feel fun, available, grateful, or feel loved? ⁠

Take a moment to think of three ways you want to feel this season. ⁠

When you create your to-do list, let your desired feelings guide what you do and what you don’t do this season. ⁠

When you are confronted with a task, an ask (request) or an idea, even a long-standing tradition, stop and ask, ⁠

“Will saying yes to this task, ask, or idea complements how I want to feel this season or compete with how I want to feel?⁠”

If it’s not going to bring in the feeling of Christmas for you, consider not doing the tasks, asks, ideas, or even traditions.⁠

“This season brings to all of us a measure of happiness that corresponds to the degree to which we have turned our minds, feelings, and actions” to the most important reason (to us) for the season. ⁠

I know just how precious time is, so I deeply I thank you for spending a little of your time with me each week. 
Merry Christmas!  

The Sugar Experience: Priorities

I just wrapped up my 35 Hard FOR YOU challenge last week and I learned a lot! I know the 65 participants did too!

Here’s what I told the 35 Hard FOR YOU group:

  • If you wanted to start but didn’t or thought you’d be way more successful than you were (this goes for your business too)
  • If you noticed that you’re unsure why you set the goals you did, didn’t really like your goals, or make progress towards them (this applies to your business and personal goals)
  • If you wanted to complete the goals/challenge but didn’t feel like you had enough time (does that sound familiar)


I’ve got an offer for you that doesn’t happen every day!

I shared this offer with my 35 Hard FOR YOU group first and it was so well received I knew I had to share it with my email list too!!

Here are the details!

FOUR INTENSIVE PRIORITY WORK coaching sessions where we dive into what you WANT (not what you think you “should” want) but what you actually want and WHY (those are the most significant pieces) to have enough time and proper mindset to create the results you want!

I have developed a program that makes your WHY impeccably evident, full of truth, firm, and unwavering so that you stay committed to EVERY role/goal you want to excel.


  • FOUR, 50-minute sessions where we dive DEEP into your priorities

  • 24/7 access to me for that time through Voxer or Marco Polo

  • Your sessions will be working sessions, (there are worksheets we cover together). During your session, I will ask lots of questions, you will discover new answers, there will be teaching and instruction, and together we’ll uncover your deepest-seeded values inside your priorities.


  • A clear understanding of what’s truly important to you and why

  • Find your purpose and understand your wants

  • The exact actions steps (for you) to take so that you can be more successful in the areas of life that you value (business, motherhood, goals, home, life balance, etc)

  • Your time back, the time you were wasting “doing all the things” that you thought you had to do because you weren’t clear on your priorities.