Schedule Results, Not Tasks

If you’re going to bed each night feeling like you didn’t get “enough” done even though you worked tirelessly; try this one tip to get more done and FEEL more accomplished each day.

Change the way you schedule your tasks!

Does your schedule look something like this? ⁠

  1. Get the house cleaned⁠
  2. Work on my business ⁠
  3. Make phone calls⁠
  4. Finish Christmas ⁠
Want to get more done, feel organized, and FEEL MORE ACCOMPLISHED at the end of each day? Write down the results you want, not the task in its entirety!  ⁠


  1. Not get the house cleaned: sweep and mop the kitchen and vacuum the downstairs⁠.  Write the exact things you’re going to do.  
  2. Not working on my business: writing three emails, coaching two private clients, and finishing proofreading the webinar series emails.  Knowing what you’re going to do will help keep you more focused.  ⁠
  3. Not make phone calls: call Mom and ask about the Christmas party, change ortho appointment, and call the pharmacy to renew meds. Nothing motivates you to want to do more than getting to check, check, check off all those boxes.   ⁠
  4. Not finish Christmas: put all the bows on the Christmas presents, place them under the tree, and create the menu for Christmas dinner. Know what you’re aiming for so you can determine if you hit your targets. 

There’s nothing like having a list of results and getting them done to help you feel more accomplished at the end of each day, stay motivated, 


When you say clean the house, and at the end of the day, it’s not clean because of children and your family living in it, you’re going to feel defeated.

When you say work on your business, but your business work options never end, you never feel like you did “enough” that day.

Scheduling your time for the results, not the tasks is how you create that feeling at the end of each day that you did, in fact, accomplish what you set out to do!  

Accomplishing more of what you DEFINED keeps you motivated to keep at it!