Here are My 5 Tips For Productivity

I’ve got 5 practices for you to consider trying!

They are very simple!

But don’t let the simplicity fool you, these practices produce amazing results and save you time!

1. Plan your day the night before

Look at your calendar the night before to prepare for the next day. Notice any obstacles you might have and solve them now. Write down your top 3 things you want to accomplish and set a time for when you will do them. When you plan when you will do something, it’s more likely to get done.

2. Use Results Based Planning in your blocks for time

If you plan to work in your business for 2 hours, don’t just block it off, write down what results you will create during that time.

Example: 9-11 am create 4 social posts, write and send out a newsletter, and follow up with Friday’s clients.

3. Use Automation

If you’ve done something once in your business and you know you’ll do it again, find a way to automate the task.

  • Canned email/SM responses
  • Templates for EVERYTHING newsletter, social media, invoices, etc.
  • Schedule posts, newsletters, & emails
  • Have set days of the week for certain tasks

4. Batch like tasks

  • Create all social media posts or weekly emails on the same day.
  • If you cook dinner, make 2 and set the extra in the freezer to save time for another day.
  • Have set days you run errands or appointments and stick to those days.
  • Laundry, ironing, paying bills, or other home chores on the same day each week.
  • Do specific tasks (client emails, chores, start dinner) at the same time each day to reduce decision fatigue.

5. Have set work hours & protect them.

Designate work hours and honor them. Don’t let anyone or anything (notifications, alerts, SM, the doorbell distract you.) If you honor your work hours, it will teach others to honor them as well.

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