Are You Wasting Time Doing This?

One of the most significant time wasters (physically and mentally) we indulge in is redeciding a decision we’ve already made.

What might this look like?

Deciding to wake up at 6:15 am BUT every night, trying to determine if you can sleep in a little longer by picking up breakfast, cutting a workout short, or having someone else take the carpool. 

It might look like deciding to stop eating dessert (for a period of time, I chose the period for ALL OF 2023), BUT then, you go to a special event or a friend drops off your favorite dessert, you spend time trying to redecide if you’re going to “enjoy the night,” or not “hurt their feelings,” and eat their dessert.

It might look like deciding to complete a specific task every Friday in your business/work/home, but when Friday comes, you ask if it’s really important, if you can skip it till next week, or if you can push it off till Saturday.   

You’re wasting both physical and mental energy and VALUABLE TIME!

How can we solve for this and stop redeciding?

  1. Be very intentional in your decisions. Don’t set a goal or make a decision because you “should,” from fear of what might happen, or because you think that doing something a certain way is how the “responsible” people do it.
  2. Know why you made a decision and the result you desire to achieve when you follow through. When you’re clear on why you made the decision and made it because you wanted to (not because you had to, felt pressured, or out of shoulds), you’re 80% more likely to follow through consistently.
  3. Identify the obstacles that might get in the way and create strategies ahead of time so that you aren’t renegotiating your decision when your motivation and energy are low.

Your powerful decision might sound like this.

“I don’t eat dessert anytime, ever” (for a specific set amount of time).

That powerful decision is actually easier mentally and physically than I don’t eat dessert unless it’s a special occasion, a holiday, a celebration or…. there will always be a reason to eat that dessert. This means you will always be redeciding if tonight is a night that “deserves” desert.

I wake up at 6:15, period.

Don’t say, “I wake up at 6:15 I unless I get to bed late, don’t sleep well, or it’s a holiday or special occasion.”  lol. The “ifs” or “unless” to your decision creates an obstacle that makes it more complicated than just committing to, “I wake up at 6:15, always.”

If you’ve decided to wake up at 6:15, honor that decision. No negotiations. That saves you time and helps you reach your goals faster. 

I get it!!!

I know it feels hard to do the “hard” thing, but it’s also hard wasting time, it’s hard negotiating with your brain on why this one time won’t be a big deal, and it’s hard feeling good about your word when you decide to do the thing you said you wouldn’t do.

It’s going to be hard either way. It’s going to take time either way.

Choose the hard that saves you time and helps you reach the goals you desire