In 2019, while still teaching special education full-time, I made the goal to become a $100K+ coach while working in my life coaching business part-time and teaching school full-time.
When I made that goal, I didn’t know I would also be asked to serve as the president of my church’s women’s organization, adding 10+ hours of service to my already full week.
When we genuinely want to reach a goal, when were are a big fat 10, all-in, no matter how long it takes, and know the TRUE reasons we desire that goal, we will continue working towards that goal until it happens. What goal are you currently all in on, a big fat 10, willing to take action till you reach the goal? I bet, without even realizing it, you’re a 10 in your motherhood! Willing to raise your kids, love them, teach them, and help them when they need it! Are you a 10 in your business? A 10 on creating a schedule you love and will follow? How about a 10 on finding the time to enjoy the life you’re so busy working on?
I was a ten towards my 100K+ goal! I kept working, trying new things, rearranging my time and schedule, said no to things that weren’t supporting my progress, showed up even when I was tired, and stayed consistent… and in 2020, I reached my goal!
Because of Covid restrictions, The Life Coach School didn’t hold their award ceremony until last week, so this cute baby above didn’t belong to me until then!
When you are considering setting a goal, stop and ask yourself these questions below 1. Why do I want this goal? Do I like my reasons for wanting to achieve this goal? Are these reasons free from fears, what if’s, and “shoulds”? 2. Am I willing to stay committed? Why? 3. What would get in the way of making it happen? Am I willing to solve for (or work through) those obstacles?
4. Am I committed to making it happen even if it takes longer than anticipated, even if something like covid or a big unexpected responsibility falls into the mix?
If you don’t give up, it might take more time than you expected or happen in a way other than you planned, but it 100% it will happen! If you are ready to take your business and life to the next level, be a big fat 10, and fear of time is what’s stopping you, I can solve for that! I promise!!!