How to Feel More Joy

When my client said this during our first call, my heart sunk!  

I get it!

I’ve been there, and I’ve helped many clients climb out from there!  

If we are too busy worrying about the future or the “what ifs”, we miss the joy in the present.⁠

I⁠f we are thinking about all the things we “need” to get done, we cannot enjoy the moment. 

If we judge our actions, ADHD tendencies, our weaknesses, or the way we are (or aren’t) growing our business, we are missing all the joy.

If we second-guess ourselves, question our worth, value, or compare ourselves to others, we are stealing our own joy. ⁠⁠

I then asked my sweet client, what I’m asking you now, “Which of those things are stealing your joy? 

We must be intentional to feel the joy!⁠ We must be intentional to be present.

Feeling joy is a huge reason I am so passionate about flexible scheduling, defined priorities, and knowing our intentions!

If we flexible plan, we know when we have time set aside for work, play, sleep, learning, to-do lists, business tasks, etc. Knowing the plan brings peace, and peace is joy. ⁠

Flexible planning frees us from worrying about “all we have to do” or stressing about how we’re going to “fit it all in.”⁠