I bet you’re not thinking it!

My youngest daughter just tried out for the HS tennis team and made it. She’s still working as a house cleaner while also keeping up on her wrestling workouts and learning how to drive. ⁠

My middle daughter works several hours each week at a local taco shop, takes a few AP classes, picks up extra shifts, has a killer social life, and still uses some of her time to sell adorable jewelry at the local farmer’s market. ⁠

My oldest is taking summer classes, just got hired at the mom and baby unit in the hospital, kept her old CNA job as PRN, and still makes gorgeous wedding cakes each weekend for her clients. ⁠

Is this what you were thinking?

“Wow, these girls are selfish? They have so much going on, they are working a lot, have school, their plates are full, and now they want to add more into their schedule? That is totally selfish!”

I bet you didn’t. 

I bet you thought something like, 

“Good for them!”

“They are ambitious girls following their desires.”

“These girls sound amazing!”

Why is it, when moms want to add growing a business or reaching a goal to their already packed schedule, we think,

“maybe we are being selfish?” 

Why aren’t we saying

“That’s incredible, way to go after our desires!”

“Good for us!”

“Our ambition sounds amazing!”

It’s HARD!

It’s hard feeling selfish when going after a dream!

It’s hard questioning yourself in your motherhood and business growth.

It’s hard thinking that something has to be sacrificed for your business to grow!

What if it’s doesn’t have to be so hard? 

What if you don’t have to sacrifice the things you value most (especially time and money) to be a great mom who makes great money in her business? 

There are simple solutions inside my 1:1 coaching program.

I help clients discover personal priorities, strategies, schedules, clarity, intentionality, and growing an intuitive business in a way that compliments their motherhood! 

I dive into your mindset, confidence, and the know-how for you to grow your relationships with your family, your clients, and yourself!

If you think this might be for you check out the link here to schedule a free discovery call with me.