6 Lessons I Learned From Dressing Up

Over the years I’ve learned many incredible lessons from dressing up.

Halloween, the season of dressing up, made it seem appropriate to share these lessons with you now!

My children are older and past the age of dressing up and trick-or-treating. I don’t know yet if I miss it! I kinda think that I don’t!

However, they aren’t past the age of throwing a party.

I will be hosting the High School Crowd on Friday and the Jr high goblins on Saturday. Lots of pizza, treats, games, messes, laughing, and scary movies will be happening!

Does anyone want to come over and help!?

Lesson #1: Don’t Let Excuses Hold You Back

We had just moved from West Virginia to Utah.  

This picture was taken on my girls’ second day of school.  The first day was the Friday before, and they went to school with wet hair because our power went out.

It’s their second day of school in this new state, and it’s spirit week. 

  • They didn’t let the excuse of being new hold them back. 
  • They didn’t let the excuse of “people won’t know what we look like” hold them back. 
  • They didn’t let the excuse of “what if no one else dresses up” stop them.
  • They didn’t let the excuse that we didn’t have lots of time to prepare hold them back or the fact that the Costume box was buried underneath a slew of other boxes in the far corner of the storage unit convince them not to participate. 

There will always be an “excuse” that we can hold on to keep us from doing what we desire to do. 

What excuses are you holding on to that’s keeping you from going after your desires? 

Lesson #2: It’s never too late to get started!  

Record snowfall and very low temps the day before Halloween canceled trick-or-treating this specific year.  It wasn’t until November 4th that our state finally gave the OK to allow children to head out and collect all the candy. 

We could have decided to bail because Halloween wasn’t held on the day that we expected…BUT we would have missed so much!  

How many times have you said, it’s too late to __?

  • Start a business
  • Head back to school
  • Parent in a different way
  • Try something new in your business
  • Switch over your email provider
  • Change your niche
  • Start hugging your teen more
  • Create a business schedule that works

It’s never too late to get started!   

If it’s a desire in your motherhood, in your business, or your personal goals, don’t let the expectations that it “should” happen by a specific time or that it’s “too late”,  keep you from going after what you want.   

Lesson #3: Be your own judge, there isn’t a right or wrong way!

Who really knows what qualifies as an “ugly sweater” anyway?

We appoint a judge for each ugly sweater party, and we allow them to crown the winner. 

There are no other rules than their opinion.  

Guess what?

That’s the same principle that I encourage you to apply to your motherhood and business as well!

You get to be the judge of what’s working and what’s “ugly” for YOU in both YOUR motherhood and business. 

Appoint yourself to be your own judge!

You’re the only one qualified to decide if what you’re doing is working and getting you the desired results you want in all your life roles. 

No one has the same results for their business and motherhood, so it WILL LOOK DIFFERENTLY for everyone!  

If you’re the judge, on a scale of 1-10, how “ugly” is your business and or motherhood currently? 

Lesson #4: Because you “want to” is a good enough reason!

When my kids were little, they didn’t need a reason to dress up or to create something incredible.  They got out the consume box whenever they wanted. They didn’t wait for a “reason” such as Halloween or Spirit Week. 

On this snow day, they created an adorable play of an old couple that was reminiscing about their wedding day. 

The grandpa asked the grandma, “Why did you marry me?’ Replied, “Because I wanted to”

Because you want to is a good enough reason to go after something you desire. 

Finding the why, it’s all the rage and the thing business coaches hone in on a lot! I agree, the WHY is essential!

However, I also think because you want to is a significant enough reason as long as it motivates you to get the result you desire! 

Lesson #5: Don’t be afraid to speak up!

If it’s a desire or a passion, don’t be afraid to speak up and share it with others.  

That desire was put inside of you for your reason. 

Bonus lesson… keep it simple. 

This costume, Tape Face, was a massive hit with my students. The best part, it took about 10 minutes to create, and I didn’t have to buy a single thing.

We often complicate our motherhood and business, making it more challenging than it has to be. 

The next time you’re trying to solve a problem, ask yourself, “how can I make it simple?”

Lesson #6: Be authentic!

When most 9-year-olds were dreaming of dressing up as princesses, the latest fashion doll, or a bride, my cute 9-year-old wanted to be a police officer. 

She didn’t care what others were doing or what was “typical” of girls her age.  

She did what made her happy!

My Queen of Hearts was cast in the local play during this time.  

She was cast so perfectly!!  

As she as on that stage, being the VERY BEST sarcastic and demanding Queen of Hearts I had ever seen, I whispered to my husband,
“they nailed this casting role; it’s like she’s not even acting!” 

She was confident enough in herself to give this role all her sass!! And she had a lot!  

Be you, even if it’s not “typical” business practice or what “all the other moms” are doing. 

Be confident in your role as the CEO of both your motherhood and business.  

We are much happier when we are true to us and our desires, not everyone else’s.